open two-phase competition, art at buildings, 1st prize, Max-Dellbrück-Centrum, Campus Berlin-Buch; light & steel construction: Effektwerke, Pfreimd; building supervision de-architekten, Berlin; statics: Bollinger und Grohmann; assistance woodwork: David Hepp; 3D-modelling and photography: Robert Herrmann
Idea (competition text)
In front of the entrance of the building
a stork tower is erected. It is constructed of street lamps, and the base of the nest is to be composed of the same wood used in the facade of the building. The artistic method of gathering material for the construction of the tower from the immediate vicinity is the stalemate's nest-building method. The tower and nest building materials can thus be found in the surroundings of the campus and vice versa, the surroundings can be rediscovered again in the art nests. An interdisciplinary discussion takes place, and the tower, which can not be overlooked, helps the visitors enter the building entrance.
Artists work in context, even storks take short paths to build nests. Three campus systems, the art world, the bird world and the architecture of the institutes, are combined with medical research on the ground and their research. Here could be the art nest gives a positive picture of the handling of animals and contribute to the restraint in the cultivation of further nature reserves. The nest-sculpture appeals to the policy of rethinking the currently planned reallocation of the nature conservation area "Moorlinse Buch" into housing area. The disappearance of the sewage fields and the structural densification in the environment leave the settlement of storks and other birds seriously - the local nature protection association complains. The prerequisites for the settlement of a pair of storks on the campus are still questionable, but not entirely excluded. Fields, forests and approx. 20 lakes* are located in the nearer and further environment to the planned nesting site. It is true that the breeding ground in this area is going back, but perhaps it could be reanimated.
The interpretation of the storks
The decision of the storks to nest there - or not to nest there - is an integral part of the work itself. The success of the art project therefore does not depend on whether storks nest in the future or not. The work of art is to allow different realities. In this sense the storks decide on the future character of the nest-tower.
For the tower, the conical hollow masts of the planned street lamps are inserted into each other until the required height of a stork nest is reached.