This Website was supported by Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin, Senatskanzlei, Kulturelle Angelegenheiten
All images of this Website ©VG Bild-Kunst Fritz Balthaus; as long as no other authors are , liegen die Textrechte dieser Website bei: Studio Balthaus
Translations: Christopher Langer, Anamarie Michnevich
This is the official homepage of the artist Fritz Balthaus; responsible §§ 6 TDG, 10 MDStV : Fritz Balthaus, Ackerstraße 81, 1. OG, Stfg, 13355 Berlin, Deutschland, Fon +49 30 21109480,
The operators of the websites referred to in this site are solely responsible for their content.
Webseite und Content Management System developed by Hanno Stehling 2007.